

Well, dinner with Penn on Saturday night wasn’t bad. We met at this crowded Japanese restaurant down near NYU. He certainly had more gray hair than the average 38 year old; he was mostly salt with a sprinkling of pepper. We stuffed ourselves with sushi; the bill came to a hundred bucks, and it was all on him, so that was really really nice. After that we went to a couple of bars, had a couple of beers, and that was that.

He was a nice enough guy, kinda cute in a goofy sort of way. He has a loud, slightly obnoxious laugh, and at one point at the restaurant he was making a point about something apparently funny, and he pounded the table as he said it, making a loud rattle, and the people next to us (and another table next to them) looked over. That was kind of embarrassing. He also likes watching some sports, which I don’t.

Anyway, he’s a good guy, but I don’t see anything developing out of it. But my curiosity is sated, and I got fifty bucks worth of sushi, so I’m thankful for that.