My Eye, My Eye!

From the other room last night, Matt yelled to me, “Hey, what’s that word I’m trying to think of when someone gets in a bad mood about something fun?” He was sitting at his computer, typing something.

“Um… sour grapes?” I replied.

“No, something else.”

“Spoil sport?”

“That’s not quite the one I’m looking for.”

“Party pooper?”

“Yeah! That’s what I was thinking of. Thanks.”

A couple of hours later I got around to reading his blog.

Yes, I have pink eye. I’m not quite sure how I got it, but I was a little sniffly a few days ago, and I must have touched my eye with a bacteria-laden finger or something. My eye started bothering me Monday night and I realized yesterday morning what it probably was. So I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave me antibiotic eye drops. It should be all cleared up by Friday, which is good, because on Friday night my chorus is going on a weekend retreat about an hour north of the city. Last year’s retreat was a blast, so I’m looking forward to this one.

Of course, I was nervous about my eye all yesterday, even after going to the doctor, because I’m paranoid and a hypochondriac. Matt responded, “It’s just a little pink eye,” a simple sentence that made me realize how silly I was being.

Anyway, so as not to spread it around, I decided to stay home from work today (any reason to take a day off, right?). That, and I’m self-conscious about walking around with a half-closed eyelid.

So, no – no photos. I’m sure you’re all disappointed.

One thought on “My Eye, My Eye!

  1. > A couple of hours later I got around to reading his blog.


    Clearly you’re perfectly suited because he said ‘word’ when he meant ‘phrase’ and you offered him only phrases.

    Pink eye is supposed to be highly contagious, isn’t it? You’re supposed to stay home!

    Hope it clears up right away.

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