ECMC Concert

Just a reminder, if you’re interested, that my chorus, the Empire City Men’s Chorus, has its annual holiday concert tonight. Lots of cute gay guys onstage and probably in the audience.

It will also feature a really hot cimbasso player.

And we’ll also have Barbara Walsh, who recently sang this:

in the Company revival on Broadway. She’s singing two numbers with us and three numbers on her own, one of which is pretty hilarious.

It’s at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, at West 86th Street and West End Avenue, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $25 in advance (call 212-362-3179) or $30 at the door.

2 thoughts on “ECMC Concert

  1. Thanks for that. I hope your concert went well. I was at the dress rehearsal for one of my own, which was the following night down in Summit, NJ. I’ve been realising how much live theatre means to me, lately. Saw Wicked yesterday, cried through large chunks of it, for a multitude of reasons. I’ll write more about that later. Spent a bit of time last night thinking about Sondheim and how much I love playing and singing his stuff. I love the timbre of Barbara’s voice on those final “RISE!”s.

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