
Or, you know, they could send out the text message in the middle of the night, and an hour later, when I’m near the waking end of a sleep/wake cycle, an insistent beep from the other room enters my consciousness, the beep that means you have an unread text message, and it wakes me up.

I realize they had been scooped, but come on. The middle of the night?

2 thoughts on “Or

  1. He should have known it would leak once he called the other two. Huge mistake. He should have called them and then sent the message out in the evening.

    That said, I realized yesterday this wasn’t about the news cycle or about the VP bump, it was about collecting as many phone #s and e-mail addys as possible. And it must have been hard to pull the plug on all that buzz.

    Annoying, yes. But I suspect he’s going to put that data to work for him in a few weeks.

  2. You weren’t ready for the 3 a.m. text message. I will not be supporting your candidacy for the presidency because clearly you are weak on foreign policy.

    And yeah…on the leakage, I think when relatives starting arriving by the carload at the Biden house — followed by a florist’s van — on Friday night, the cat was out of the bag. I was still hoping it was an elaborate distraction coordinated by Biden and Obama to obscure the selection of Sen. Feingold as VP, but…oh well.

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