I realize my blog has been sort of unexciting this week. I haven’t been angsting as much, I haven’t been writing about weird guys named Steve or about fuckbuddies who desert me. (Or about dessert buddies who fuck me, but that was never in the contract.) Coincidentally, my daily number of hits has gone down. I don’t know if there’s a connection there. But jeez — apparently I get as many hits on a good day as Adolescent Egomaniac gets on a bad day.
But anyway, it’s not about hits, right? It’s about how many people like you.
Still, let me sum up some recent personal events:
– I haven’t been in contact with The Guy since an online chat last Friday night.
– I’ve been majorly chatting online with a guy who seems incredibly interesting. We’ve chatted for several nights, several hours each night. We seem to have lots in common: young, intelligent, slightly angst-ridden, shorter than average, Jewish. So far he seems hesitant to meet, though. I can anticipate what Mike will say: “Honey, dump him. Move on.” :) We’ll see.
– I have a date tomorrow night with a 28-year-old gay Jewish ex-attorney. That could be fun.
But really, I have to work now.