A Question
If you start dating someone, should you tell him that you have a blog?
This is totally premature, of course.
Three weeks ago I was in a chatroom, and a guy opened up a window with me. We wound up chatting for quite a while, and we had one of the most substantive chats I’d had in a long time. He thought the same thing; although he was relatively new to chatting, he’d never had an online conversation this deep before. Eventually he had to go to dinner, so I gave him my e-mail address and the chat ended.
The next day he wrote back, but getting back to him wasn’t at the top of my priorities, so a week went by. Then I figured, hey, I’ll write him back. I did, and he replied. We decided we’d try to meet up again online.
On a Saturday night, I came home from Wonderbar at about 4 in the morning and decided to go online. There he was. We wound up chatting for an hour.
For the next week, we chatted every night, probably at least 3 hours each night. We told each other much of our life stories. We really seemed to click, to understand each other in many ways, or at least to want to understand each other. He lives in New York, but lately he’s been spending lots of time in D.C. for work. He was hesitant to move on to further forms of communication, such as the telephone, but eventually he decided he wanted to give me a call.
On Monday night he called, and we talked on the phone for about three hours. We seemed to hit it off pretty well. Last night we talked again. We plan to move on to an in-person meeting at some point, probably soon.
The biggest thing is that I haven’t yet seen what he looks like, although he’s seen my picture. Perhaps the red flags should be going up for me, who knows. I know his height, his weight, and his age, and these all meet with my approval; and I know that he’s had a few boyfriends, so he must be at least objectively attractive.
Anyway, I don’t know if I should tell him about the blog. And actually, this has a lot to do with why I’ve been hesitant to blog lately. If you go back and read the entries of the last couple of days with this in mind, maybe they’ll make more sense.