Supreme Court Prayer Shield!

Oh, I love it.

“Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson urged his nationwide audience Monday to pray for God to remove three justices from the Supreme Court so they could be replaced by conservatives.” More here.

As for the letter to which the article refers, here it is: the Supreme Court Prayer Shield! (See title bar.)

Batteries not included.

Unfortunately, the symbolism of a “shield” is all too apt. There are too many people out there who want to shield themselves from the complexity of critical thinking, from the light of independent belief, from any form of change. What’s worse, they don’t just stick to shields. There’s also a big sword right now — the proposed anti-gay-marriage amendment to the Constitution.

There’s a post waiting to be written here about how both sides feel beleaguered, about how one person’s defense causes great offense to others, about whether it’s morally right to interfere in other people’s lives when it has nothing to do with you, about how so much of what has happened is related to fear, and only to fear.

I hope to write that post someday.

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