I just about orgasmed when I saw Tom Lenk in the list of guest stars at the beginning of “Angel” tonight. I don’t watch the coming attractions at the end of each episode, so I was completely surprised by this. Looks like our little Andrew has come a long way under Giles’s tutelage. But did he have to grow out his hair? He looked much cuter back when it was shorter.
Still, I got my Tom Lenk fix, so I’m not complaining.
I am complaining that Willow’s still with Kennedy. Whatever makes her happy, I guess.
So apparently Buffy knows that Angel’s running Wolfram & Hart, but she doesn’t know that Spike’s alive? Hmm… I guess I can buy that. After all, Wolfram & Hart is a big player in the underworld, and word probably gets around about what’s going on there. But Spike’s just a British ensouled resurrected un-ghosted formerly-brainwashed guilt-wracked vampire with no hands and an Oedipus complex.
Therapy, anyone?
OK, apparently his hands will be fine.
But seriously. How much more shit does this guy have to go through? He’s totally the Mutant Enemy whipping boy. How much can one man take? If there’s going to be a pity contest between Angel and Spike over who gets to prevent the apocalypse and turn human, I think Spike totally wins at this point. Sure, Angel’s gone through a century more of ensouled torture than Spike has, and his own son doesn’t remember him, and he turned evil when he fucked his girlfriend, and…
OK, so maybe Spike doesn’t have it in the bag quite yet.
Watching “Angel” tonight was kind of like reliving “Buffy” Season 7: Andrew and Spike together, a Kennedy reference, Andrew’s pronunciation of “vamPIRE,” a truckload of Slayers, and so on. But it wasn’t just a “Buffy” nostalgiafest; the story also managed to tie into one of the threads of “Angel” this season, which is the question of how far you can compromise your ethics before the bad you’re involved in begins to outweigh the good you’re trying to accomplish.
And I lied a little bit, because I did see the coming attraction for next week’s episode. In episode 100 of “Buffy,” Buffy died; in episode 100 of “Angel,” Cordelia’s coming back. That’s poetically kind of neat.
As long as she’s not a CordeliaBot, I can’t wait to see her.
Hey Tinman!
Wasn’t that a great Angel last night?? I loved those little references to LOTR that Andrew keep saying. It was so hilarious when he hugged Spike and referred to him as “Gandalf the White returning from battle with the Balrog” or something like that. What a great show. I’m also currently watching season 2 on DVD and that’s pretty good as well.
So Buffy is in Rome now. Guess that’s as good as place as any. Can’t wait for next week’s show!
I thought Tom Lenk was great last night. He is sooo foofy around Spike. Maybe they can get rid of Gunn (who has always bored me) and add Andrew to the show. Or bump Harmony up to regular status- she’s a hoot. Geez, I spend too much time thinking about silly tv shows.