Rush Dream

Last night I dreamed about Rush Limbaugh.

What the fuck.

Matt and I were in Matt’s apartment, sitting on the couch. It was nighttime, and Matt and I needed turndown service for our bed. So the lobby sent up Rush Limbaugh. Rush explained that he was the new housekeeping person, and he went into the bedroom and proceeded to neatly turn down the blankets. He was very nice and conversational and almost motherly. I was initially suspicious – I mean, it was Rush Limbaugh – but I found myself moved by his gentleness.

What does it mean?

I think I have a deep need to be loved, and I feel personally hurt when all the hateful, judgmental people out there preach against us and attack us. On some level I think I associate it with the way my dad used to treat me when I was a kid. My dad, and my understanding of him, have changed greatly since then, and I do love him, but I guess there are still some scars.

I already knew all this, but sometimes your dreams can crystallize things.

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