
Every customer review of a product on is followed by the words, “Was this review helpful to you?” followed by “yes” and “no” buttons.

I’m never quite sure how to answer the question. If you take it as worded, the question is meant to be answered by a person who’s trying to decide whether or not to buy/consume a particular product. Did the review help the person make a decision? But in practice, I think most people who answer the question are those who have already bought/consumed the product, and they’re voting on whether or not they agree with the review. That’s a different question entirely. Or “helpful” could mean not just whether it helps someone make the decision to buy/consume, but whether, after the fact, that turned out to be a good or bad decision. But that would require someone to read the review, then buy/consume the product, and then go back and read that review again, days or weeks later. I don’t think most people are that conscientious.

The question is just too vague. It would be better for to ask, “Do you agree with this review?”, since that’s probably what most people use it for anyway, and its meaning is clearer.

I could very well have too much time on my hands.