SC Retirement Scenario

A scenario for Monday: “Amid layer upon layer of uncertainty, one thing seems reasonably predictable about the Supreme Court’s public session on Monday, the last public sitting of the current Term. That is that the Court will formally recess for the summer without a word being said about any retirement, or retirements, from the Court. Too much, however, can be read into that, and should not be.”

3 thoughts on “SC Retirement Scenario

  1. Well it was a mixed Ten Commandments ruling. OK in Texas but not elsewhere cited in the suit.

    And now the Good News: They passed on the unnamed-sources-re-Plame case so JUDY MILLER’S LYING SCUZZY ASS IS HEADED FOR THE SLAMMER — HOO-YAH !!!!!

  2. I feel bad about the schandefreude, but I’m glad she’s going to jail too. I just wish it was for the RIGHT reason — her criminally irresponsible and thoroughly discredited reporting about WMD in Iraq — not for the Plame thing. Novak should go to jail for that.

  3. Well he still might. I strongly suspect that the reason Fitzgerald went after Miller and Cooper was that their testimony would either confirm or contradict Novaks’s — as Novak has obvioulsy testified. But you see we don’t know for sure because unlike Ken Starr and countless others, Fitzgerald doesn’t leak ! This is of course the way ti should be. Grand jury dealing aren’t made public — especially at this level. The public has “right to know” the outcomes — but not the process. For the process is closed in the public’s interest so that the court can remain uncontaminated.

    But hell, yes — I’d be happy if if the bitch did time for a parking violation!

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