
The weather is so nice today. It’s in the 60s. I needed to wear a suit today but I didn’t have to wear an outdoor jacket over it. And tomorrow it’s supposed to be even warmer. Looks like March will indeed go out like a lamb. Might we actually have a real spring this year? Finally?

I wish we’d had more snow this winter. I know, we broke the record for a single snowfall. But I like being stuck inside watching the snow fall, the world completely quiet. I love spring, but sometimes the weather evokes the times my dad used to pressure me to go outside and play with the other kids on our block. I preferred staying inside, and I liked having an excuse to do so. These days I don’t mind being outside when the weather is nice – no more intimidating neighborhood kids to worry about. Just traffic and more and more boarded-up shoestores.

This spring I resolve to spend plenty of time in Washington Square Park, since it’s so close. You have to take advantage of what’s around you. You have to appreciate it.

I also resolve to go to Shake Shack again. More than once.

Ahh, spring. Mmm, spring.