
From a comment on the blog Balkinization:

This is the fear that permeates the Democratic party — and everyone can smell it. You don’t win by being mealy-mouthed and afraid that Hannity and Rush are going to distort what you say. This is really my point: they are going to distort what they say and cudgel them with it no matter what they say or do. Therefore, stop trying to tailor what you say and do based on the fear that it will be distorted and used against you.

Amen! Amen! Ding ding ding ding ding.

Now if only most Democratic politicians would learn this.

One thought on “Yes!

  1. In light of this quote let us consider Bill Clinton and see that it CAN work.

    On Sunday President Bill Clinton gave a powerful performance to Faux News about Iraq and terrorism. Instead of letting Faux News walk all over him, and continue to spread they’re usual load of barnyard refuse, Clinton did a ‘Lyndon Baines Johnson’. He moved up into Chris Wallace’s space and let him know the lies and distortions weren’t selling anymore. He pointed and jabbed his finger and set Wallace back in his chair. (Poor little guy looked like he might have even wet himself.) Clinton made it clear that Bush must be held responsible for 9/11 and terrorism. That interview by Clinton has injected spirit and muscle into Democrats nationwide. Too often Bush and Company, along with their mouthpiece, Faux News has played this nation for fools. Clinton slapped down Wallace and Bush and got more national publicity than the White House had bargained for.

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