Hot Gay Bloggers

This is funny.

I don’t for the life of me understand why bloggers who post hot shirtless pics of themselves all over their blogs get so many readers. Do gay men really fall for this shit?

Oh, who am I kidding. Of course I understand it and of course they do. It’s just that I resent it.

6 thoughts on “Hot Gay Bloggers

  1. I did not find any hot shirtless pics on that link. My prurient interest was aroused and, alas, has gone unsatisfied. :-(

    I resent them not because they get more readers (I’m quite astounded I have the miniscule number that I do). I resent them for being hot when shirtless!

    I accidentally left my MP3 player at home last night when I went to the gym last night and I was forced to actually see, hear, and be aware of all the humpy, young, well-built, high school and wrestling jocks with their perfect bodies.

    One of the absolute worst part of a New York Sports Club in suburban Westchester is that the sauna is a dead as a pork store in Borough Park.

  2. Lord. I’m not surprised. I mean, I know enough bloggers who look good enough to post pictures of themselves in various states of undress to know that I, too, could have thousands of adoring readers/stalkers and win bloggie awards if I had a six pack.

  3. You know, it’s funny, I was registered on the BratBoy website, but would never have ordered anything, and I did find it entertaining to bounce over there and read every few months when I actually thought about it, but it wasn’t a major part of my life. I didn’t know anything about the “scandal” ’til I read this here, days after you’d posted it. I’ve been thinking a lot about such things, lately, as I’m amazed at the readership some people, who never really seem to have much of any substance to say, have. A friend pointed out, “Well, they post shirtless pics of themselves all the time!” and suddenly, it all made sense. As I’m lying around in bed in my underwear today trying to get well, I note, in the mirror above my dresser, that I COULD do that, too, but that is not the kind of readership I want, and I don’t think it’s what you or Eric want, either. Be who you are; do what you do. The cream always rises. ;-)

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