Two Upsets

You know what — if I had to choose between Clinton upsetting Obama, and Romney upsetting McCain, I’d choose the former. I respect John McCain and I loathe Mitt Romney.

[Morning update: I shouldn’t have said “loathe.” In the past eight years, I’ve known what it truly means to loathe a politician. (Well, two.) I don’t think anything will ever match what I feel toward the current administration.]

2 thoughts on “Two Upsets

  1. I respect John McCain circa 1972. The John McCain of 36 years later is only slightly better than a standard-issue Republican, and that only because he sometimes loses his temper and says something he actually means. He’s fully prepared to renege on it later.

    Romney is a repulsive little creature. But he doesn’t have a soul. I don’t think he’ll even notice when he loses; whatever dark puppeteer controls him will just toss him back in the cupboard. McCain, on the other hand, knows how much he has lied and pandered and betrayed the person some of us thought he was, just to get to this point. Losing will nearly kill him.


  2. I don’t think anything will ever match what I feel toward the current administration.

    One of the cardinal rules in both history and politics is “No matter how bad you think it is, it can always get worse.”

    I think Huckabee has the potential to be far, far worse than the present regime.

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