A question to my readers: can any of you recommend a real estate broker for rental apartments in Manhattan? Matt and I have been considering using one.
Apartment-hunting is stressful. I think I’m more stressed out about it than Matt. The stressful part is trying to make a snap decision about whether you want a particular apartment or not. Everything we’ve seen so far has been flawed in some way. Small living room without windows, or too dark, or whatever. But perhaps decent enough to live in. We still have a couple more weeks in which we can look, so if we keep seeing similar things, we might take one and might not need a broker.
Thing is, we’d really like to find a building that has laundry facilities in it, and either an elevator or no higher than a 2nd-floor walkup. Our top budget is $2400/month. We’re looking on the Upper West Side, up to anywhere south of Columbia. We might not need a broker after all, but if a broker can widen the opportunities, we might be willing to use one.
(Feel free to email me with recommendations.)
Try Armanda Squadrilli: Squad@aol.com. She helped me sell my old place and buy this one, but I believe she also does rentals. She shops at our store, as I used to say, and she’s very nice.
I used someone from Ardor Realty I was very happy with. Nicola Whiteley. 646.715.7370, nwhiteley@ardorny.com
Check the ardor site and see if there’s anything that catches your eye before you even bother to contact her…