That’s How You Know

We watched Enchanted on Saturday night. What an adorable, sweet movie.

I cannot get enough of this number. I had to watch it three times before putting the DVD back in the Netflix envelope and irrevocably sealing it shut. And then it dawned on me to check YouTube. How long must it have taken to film this?

3 thoughts on “That’s How You Know

  1. I love Susan Sarandon as a evil queen as much as anyone and I admit that the movie was cute.


    1.) When was the last time you saw such a gathering in the real Central Park

    2.) It’s heterosexist propaganda. The one and only gay person is played for the traditional stereotypical gag when the the prince knocks on a door looking for his true love to reveal a leather-clad Village Person in an apartment with dungeon decor who gives him a salacious leer. Naturally, of course, the prince reacts with horror because the prospect of a man being the true love of another man is icky.

    Oh my god. I think I’m becoming a lesbian.

    Anyway, I was also disappointed because I say “James Marsden” and thought I was going to get “James Marsters” — whom I’ve loved ever since Buffy.

  2. That is the most aesthetically pleasing sequence I’ve seen since the opening of Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

    And now I cant stop singing that song…and i kinda want to see the movie now…but I won’t accept watching it alone…has Matt met any cute, single Jewish ivy league (or Barnard…either way…) girls for me, yet?!

  3. Jason and I watched Enchnated for the first time this weekend, too. Loooved it. This number made me giddy; I just sat there with a big grin on my face.

    Daniel- I did have a moment of “Should I be offended by this depiction of gay people?”, but after a second decided, “Nah.” The whole little montage (and really the whole movie) is made up of 2 dimensional “types,” and if harried mothers or sweet old gentlemen or Italian waiters or perfectly behaved 6-year-olds or sassy black women (or whomever) can be portrayed as broad-brushstoke stereotypes without offense, then why should I take offense at (very gentle) poking fun at the group to which I happen to belong.

    I have never seen such a gathering in Central Park but from now on I’ll say a little prayer: “Please, God, let there be singing ConEd workers.”

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