Oh Ya, Marge


… picturing a young, attractive, kooky, female governor from Alaska who has an accent straight out of Fargo in the White House is going to be a much bigger leap for many voters than picturing Barack Obama there.

At first I was disappointed he didn’t pick Romney. Romney would have been so much fun to run against. And it’s possible Palin could fire up the base. Instead of aborting a Down-Syndrome baby, she Chose Life. She’s pro-gun, pro-creationism.

But this still seems like a total joke. Harriet Miers redux — she won’t make any major mistakes, but something just doesn’t seem right. This is an example of that vaunted “judgment” McCain keeps attributing to himself?

One thought on “Oh Ya, Marge

  1. My mother said months ago that he’d pick romney.

    I said she was wrong because everybody hates Romney, even the state that elected him governor. (mine.)

    Fortunately, he didn’t pick Romney. Not for political reasons — though Romney is much scarier than he looks — but because then my mother would have been right and I HATE it when she’s right.

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