Sarah Palin Trainwreck

If it’s not at all obvious (ya think?), I’m enthralled by the Sarah Palin trainwreck.

I agree with Andy that there’s a strong chance she won’t be on the ballot in November. They’ll find a way for her to withdraw for personal or health reasons while saving McCain as much face as possible. Reasons can always be found in politics, just as Charles Krauthammer scripted a withdrawal scenario for Harriet Miers.

Palin isn’t helping him with women, but she’s firing up the base, so if he replaces her with someone who’s not a social conservative, they’ll revolt. So he’ll wind up picking Huckabee (or maybe Jindal if he comes off looking good from Gustav, even though he has even less gubernatorial experience than Palin?).

But I actually don’t want her to leave the ticket — as long as she helps McCain lose. She’s proving to be a horrible distraction and I love it. (I’d make a reference to “Hurricane Palin,” but it’s been done.)

10 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Trainwreck

  1. Thanks for the link! : )

    My sister and my niece, two of the most brilliant people I know, both voted for Hillary. (Which means they won’t be getting Christmas presents from me this year, but I digress.) They are both appalled and insulted by Palin; not by her *personally*, but by the notion that McCain thought he could attract their interest by dangling a completely inexperienced, unqualified vagina in front of them.

  2. I am really curious as to why you view this as such a train wreck… and why it’s such a horrible distraction. Hint: the GOP base and moderate voters are generally not taking their cues from the Times (new motto: “All Bristol’s pregnancy, all the time!”) Reading Democrats in NYC, it’s kind of like the NY Times moment from 1972 when the arts editor said that no one she knew voted for Nixon. That, of course, was one of the most lopsided elections ever.

    From where I sit, the base is extremely fired up (ready to go!) and Bristol’s pregnancy doesn’t change that one bit.

  3. You may well be right, but I seriously doubt that the last few days have gone according to the McCain campaign’s script. (And I don’t just mean Gustav.)

    Still, Palin has support from the base, whereas Miers didn’t, so it’s less likely that she’ll withdraw. But it says a lot about the screwed-up priorities of the base and about what they want in a president.

  4. And what if Bristol had a sex-ed class ?
    She would have known how to use a condom.
    And her mother would not be GOP’s shame at this time.

    Forcing her daughter to marry a kid she’s not in love with will not clear any troubles in her (desperate) life.

    Poor kids.

  5. FI: the independents are fired up and ready to go, too…to Obama, according to the polls. She is not what McCain said she is. In addition to her obvious inexperience, she’s a tax-raising, budget-bloating, earmark-hunting, vendetta-pursuing, talking-point Republican who, contrary to the myth being spun that she is a corruption-buster, actually hired a Jack Abramoff-affiliated lobbyist to help score $27 million in pork for her 5,000 person town. And she chaired a 527 for indicted Senator Ted Stevens.

    If “the base” is excited, great. The rest of the country is appalled and not a little bit frightened. And, let me underscore: this is not about Sarah Palin. This is about John McCain revealing that he’s a gutless nincompoop. And a lazy one, at that.

  6. Andy, Far be it from me to point out that while some polls show a typical convention bounce, some polls taken after the choice of Palin show McCain only down by 1, actually closing the gap from before teh convention. And I’d suggest that if you think the country is frightened, you’re probably in a bit more of a bubble than you think you are.

    So she had a lobbyist. What mayor doesn’t have it in their job description to bring home the pork? She was the one that ultimately killed the Bridge to Nowhere, so good luck sticking that budget-bloating label on her. There’s a reason her approval is 76% in Alaska, which is not 76% Republican. And she’s been chief executive of a multi-billion dollar Alaska budget with tens of thousands of state employees, far more than Obama’s Senate office or even his campaign.

    But hey, we’re on different sides. I’ll just point out that the Democratic party released her social security number tonight. Nice move. That kind of ethics will resonate with the American people, I’m sure. Obama ought to have a huge advantage this year. I’m surprised he’s not up by more. His lead must be smaller than expected because the American people are so scared of the lazy McCain.

  7. She was the one that ultimately killed the Bridge to Nowhere, so good luck sticking that budget-bloating label on her

    Alas for you, that’s not true.

    She has repeatedly displayed — let’s start with, “What exactly does the VP do?” — that she’s incompetent for this position. It’s simply bizarre that you are trying to claim that her experience in any way approaches that of Barack Obama. She has said nothing — and won’t, because chickenshit McCain won’t let her near the press — of substance on any national policy matter whatsoever.

    And the Dems did not release her social security number. Some portion of it was available in a standard opposition research document, but the last four digits were blacked out, so it’s not useful to anyone in any way nor is anything compromised. Come on, is that all you have?

    And, I see…your argument is that because Obama IS AHEAD IN THE POLLS that he’s actually losing? I see. Are you familiar with math?

  8. Last comment, since it’s not my blog and my real point in entering comments was to wonder where the idea came from that anyone other than hardcore Democratic voters thought it was a trainwreck.

    Bridge to Nowhere- did you read page 2 of that article? “Last year, Palin announced she was stopping state work on the controversial project, earning her admirers from earmark critics and budget hawks from around the nation. The move also thrust her into the spotlight as a reform-minded newcomer.” And since I know you will then go to the part where no money was given back to the feds, note that bridge supporters are critical of her reversal: “Former state House Speaker Gail Phillips, a Republican who represented the Kenai Peninsula city of Homer, is also critical about Palin’s reversal on the bridge issue.” So if she didn’t kill it as you claim, it’s odd that supporters of the bridge are angry with her killing it.

    I’ll let you go down the “Obama is experienced” path. And I didn’t claim he was losing, did I? I don’t see that in my comments. I just said that he should be farther ahead than he is. Dukakis was up 18 at this point.

    Let me put it this way: I still e-mail with my extremely liberal high school social studies teacher – rhymes with Twanson for anyone who might know him that also reads this site- and he is absolutely apoplectic that McCain has a shot, even if it is maybe a 40% chance instead of Obama’s 60%. This election is not over yet. Let’s see how Palin does tonight (not that either of us will be objective analysts of her speech).

  9. Sarah Palin is a train wreck waiting to happen
    By Marcy Hotz – Sep 6th, 2008 at 10:49 am EDT
    Also listed in: 4 groups
    At some point in time, the media must decide that the “pit bull with lipstick” has no business being in the White House. What we have learned about her in the past week should have been enough for McCain to remove her from the ticket. Now he is stuck with her, and that’s a good thing for us.

    Her experience as a PTA member, soccer mom, tv news anchor, beauty queen, small-town mayor and governor of a state of 600,000 gives her no credentials to be a heart beat away from leading America.
    There is an ethics investigation in her home state alleging abuse of power
    She flip-flops on issues when it suits her (e.g., the “Bridge to Nowhere”).
    She believes God tasked us with the war in Iraq.
    She is mean-spirited and vindictive (her cheap shots at Obama at the convention, and her vengence on her ex-brother-in-law).
    She has no foreign relations experience, unless you count being close to Russia. She didn’t even have a passport until last year.
    She attended six different colleges in six years. Her degree is in journalism.
    The State of Alaska is much different than the states in the continental US. Different issues, smaller population, different culture.
    Palin said the Alaska pipeline is “God’s will” and her constituents should pray for it.
    There’s so much more. At length, the truth will out.

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